No kidding, this was at Wal-Mart.
Living in an Amish Paradise, Weird Al Yankovic
As I walk through the valley
where I harvest my grain
I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
But that's just perfect for an Amish like me,
Ya know, I shun fancy things like electricity
At 4:30 in the mornin' I'm milkin' cows
Jebediah feeds the chickens and
Jacob plows... fool
And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that
Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine
Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699!
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
I churn butter once or twice
Living in an Amish paradise
It's hard work and sacrifice
Living in an Amish paradise
We sell quilts at discount price
Living in an Amish paradise
A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek
I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
'Cause I'll be laughing my head off
when he's burning in hell
But I ain't never punched a tourist
even if he deserved it
An Amish with a tude?
You know that's unheard of
I never wear buttons, but I got a cool hat
And my homies agree
I really look good in black... fool
If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears
We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years
But we ain't really quaint,
so please don't point and stare
We're just technologically impaired
There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar
Not a single luxury
Like Robinson Crusoe
It's as primitive as can be
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're just plain and simple guys
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no time for sin and vice
Living in an Amish paradise
We don't fight, we all play nice
Living in an Amish Paradise
Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter
Raise a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise anutter
Think you're really righteous?
Think you're pure in heart?
Well, I know I'm a million times
as humble as thou art
I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like
On my knees day and night
scorin' points for the afterlife
So don't be vain and don't be whiny
Or else, my brother, I might have to get
medieval on your heinie
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're all crazy Mennonites
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no cops or traffic lights
Living in an Amish paradise
But you'd probably think it bites
Living in an Amish paradise
Ah oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Ah oh oh oh, oh oh YECCH!
is that the wal-mart over on 20?? if that's the case I'm not suprised. there used to be a buggy that set up on that corner of 20 and 58 that would sell baked goods and produce, I don't know if they do it anymore but they were there all the time a few years ago.
Yup, that's the Wal-Mart!
I've never seen anyone on the corner down there, so they must not do that anymore. The people who parked this buggy were just stopping in to do some shopping!
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